Stevie Quote #83
Quote from Stevie in Murder Mystery
Johnny: Well, it's all about building bridges, Stevie. But here's the thing, even if this deal falls through, we still get an afternoon on a golf course.
Stevie: "We?"
Johnny: This is a big day for us, Stevie. You know it's been three years since I've played a round of golf?
Stevie: Yeah, um, golf's not really my thing. Except there was this one point in high school where I got this haircut that everyone said made me look like I was in the LPGA.
Schitt's Creek Quotes
‘Murder Mystery’ Quotes
Quote from Moira
Moira: Oh, and it's Roaring Twenties themed, and I know you have a soft spot for seersucker.
David: I won't be dressing up.
Moira: Aw, say, don't be a dew-dropper! Throw some concealer under those peepers, make like a swell, and go put on the Ritz!
Quote from Alexis
Alexis: Um. Okay, the thing is I can't go to college, yet. Because I didn't finish high school.
Ted: Oh.
Alexis: I know. It's so embarrassing, and I never should've taken that semester off. But I did meet Beyonce in Mykonos, so it was almost worth it.
Ted: Didn't you say on your resume that you did four years at UCLA?
Alexis: Yes... Technically, if you consider Bel Air an extension of the campus, which everybody does. This might sound crazy, but I almost think I should finish high school.
Quote from Alexis
David: What are you doing?
Alexis: I'm just checking the mail. Did you know you can still get mail?
David: Yes, I know about mail.
Alexis: No, but I'm talking about like, mail, mail. Like a little man in a uniform, with his satchel full of letters, traveling door to door.
David: Um, that's a mailman. And he comes to your house, you pay him, and he gives you your stuff.
Alexis: I think it's free delivery, David.
David: I don't think so...