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Friends & Family

‘Friends & Family’

Season 3, Episode 12 - Aired March 28, 2017

David and Patrick prepare for the launch of Rose Apothecary. Meanwhile, Alexis is nervous to find out whether she passed high school, and Moira surprises Johnny with a large family portrait that used to adorn their great hall.

Quote from Roland

Roland: So um, this says foot cream on it. What happens if I use it on my hand?
David: Um, I'm pretty sure your hands are gonna be fine.
Roland: Okay, and it's like 50% if Jocelyn and I both buy it at the same time?
David: Um, n-no. Have you been talking to my dad about the discount?


Quote from Alexis

David: Well, it fits here. I wonder what else the Van Housens took from us.
Moira: Don't waste your time thinking about those human vultures.
Johnny: I think they did us a favour. They sent us a reminder that it's not always good to hold onto the past.
Alexis: Speak for yourself, I look super cute.
David: Okay, that's not actually your body though.
Alexis: Um, okay, but it's my face, David.

Quote from Moira

Johnny: Okay, let's go.
David: There's something really weird happening with mom's eyes. It's like they're following me.
Moira: Oh, they are.
David: Oh God.

Quote from Johnny

Johnny: And look at look at the labels on everything. 'Rose Apothecary.'
Moira: The Rose name on another plucky young business.
Johnny: We should go congratulate him.
Moira: We should but our son is very hard at work.

Quote from Ted

Ted: You got a 63 and a 68!
Alexis: Oh, my God! [Ted and Alexis hug, then kiss]
Ted: Well, uh, congrats.
Alexis: Um. Thank you. [Ted and Alexis shake hands] Um, I'm just gonna, um I'm just gonna call Mrs. Syzlak, and just make sure that her cat's doing okay.
Ted: It's Mrs. Syzlak and she doesn't have a cat, but you should call her back. And I, in the mean time, will go to get back to work-o.

Quote from David

David: Hi, so I wanted to talk to you about- Oh, my God.
Johnny: Yeah. I know. We're still looking for a place to hang it.
David: Did it grow? Can we cover it with something or?
Moira: I tried. The sheets aren't big enough.

Quote from Alexis

Alexis: Hello. Um, I called Mrs. Syzlak, and sorted it all out. She will be in tomorrow. So, I'm just gonna go back to my desk, which is where I work.
Ted: Uh, we should talk about the kiss.
Alexis: Definitely. Personally, I don't think it was that a big deal.
Ted: Yeah. Neither do I.
Alexis: We're adults. We should be allowed to have an adult kiss from time to time.
Ted: Totally. An adult kiss.
Alexis: Yes!
Ted: Like when parents kiss their friends on the mouth.
Alexis: Yes. Like kissing your parents. That's exactly what I was gonna say.

Quote from David

David: Uh, so I was just verbally assaulted by a very off-brand customer in line outside.
Patrick: Well, David, I have really underestimated you.
David: How so?
Patrick: Who knew you had so many friends, or, uh, family members, for that matter.
David: Okay. What do we do? I for one blame Gwyneth.

Quote from Patrick

David: Well, this was a success.
Patrick: I would say so. Yeah. Although, you know, we'd be, uh, 25 percent richer if we just done a hard launch. But hey, I'm just a numbers guy.
David: Mm-hm. Um, but had we not done the soft launch we wouldn't have lured all those people.
Patrick: Mm. Well, you know, the best thing is that we never have to talk about it again because we've officially open.
David: That is true.
Patrick: Congratulations, man.
David: Congratulations to you. [Patrick and David hug]
Patrick: [light flickers] I can fix that.

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