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Quote from Patrick in Dead Guy in Room 4

Patrick: You know, when you kissed me, that, that felt like my first time. All the things that you're supposed to feel, I- I felt them last night.
David: Well, if we're being honest with each other, this is sort of like my first time, too. I mean it's not, I've kissed like a thousand people but nobody that I cared about or respected or thought was nice. So in a way, it's like we're both starting something new.
Patrick: Thank you, David. And hey, for the record, I- I also respect you and think that you're a good person.
David: Hmm. It's just I said nice person.
Patrick: I know.
David: Oh. I just need you to say nice person.
Patrick: You're a good person.
David: That's not nice.

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