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Quote from Moira in Rooms by the Hour

Moira: Are they sending a script? David there's nothing here but "hot singles in my area." No, wait, wait. David, it's an audition for a feature film!
David: Well, that sounds promising.
Moira: "Attractive and spunky forty-something female." In my sleep! "Respected ornithologist Dr. Clara Mandrake," in the psychological thriller, "The Crows Have Eyes II." It's a sequel, that's good. It must mean the first one was a big success.
David: I've never heard of it.
Moira: Well, they want me to put myself on tape. David, do you still have that camera? Go get it, please! And a drop cloth. And a ring light.
David: I could probably prop my phone against some books.
Moira: [exhales] And so it begins again.

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