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Quote from Moira in Smoke Signals

Moira: Johnathan, have we found ourselves a new friend?
Johnny: Hmm.
Officer Cornwall: Hello ma'am, I'm Officer Cornwall. I was off duty when I came across this man in a state of undress, down by the creek. He claims to be your husband?
Moira: Last I checked, a decades-long successful marriage is not a criminal offense.
Officer Cornwall: No, no it is not. However, indecent exposure certainly is. I found your husband sunning himself in the creek, like he was in some Grecian bath.
Johnny: No, I don't think we need to editorialize.
Moira: John, I'm so sorry, I was engrossed in a very stirring phone call. Officer, perhaps we could arrange a plea bargain?
Officer Cornwall: Well, since I wasn't supposed to be fly fishing at this end of the creek, uh... I think we can leave it at a warning.
Moira: Oh, thank you, Officer, for your almost militant commitment to the protection of our community. I promise to keep my husband habilimented from now on.

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