Ann Quote #17

Quote from Ann in Rock Show

Ann: [aside to camera] I think there's gonna be a good turnout at Andy's show tonight. He wrote this new song about what happened to him called The Pit. It's one of those rare songs that rocks really hard, and also informs people about a small public works project.


 ‘Rock Show’ Quotes

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: So do I need to know anything about this guy? What's his political pedigree?
Marlene Knope: His name is George Gernway. He's the city manager in Eagerton. He's divorced with two children.
Leslie Knope: Okay, good to know. Knowledge is power. Francis Bacon. Or Mary J. Blige.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: Is that meeting still happening, the one with the bigwigs?
Marlene Knope: As far as I know.
Leslie Knope: Would it be unusual to reschedule the meeting?
Marlene Knope: Well, you would come off as a little flaky. Unless that's the impression you're trying to make.
[aside to camera:]
Leslie Knope: Flaky is the worst thing a politician can be. Or corrupt. Or a rapist. There are a lot of pitfalls in politics. But those are the big three.

Quote from Tom

Wendy: How did Leslie meet her boyfriend?
Tom: Uh, she used to read him books at the senior center.
Beth: Wow. How old is he?
Tom: He's six, but he has Benjamin Button Disease.