April Quote #377
Quote from April in One Last Ride (Part 1)
Leslie Knope: Ethel Beavers, we need this filed, please.
Ethel Beavers: We've gone digital. Get with the times, you Luddite.
April: Man, of all the places in Pawnee, I'm gonna miss the fourth floor the most. The disturbing murals, the ominous lighting... the creepy people.
Kyle: Hi, April.
Parks and Recreation Quotes
‘One Last Ride (Part 1)’ Quotes
Quote from Andy
Andy: I'm gonna miss the food in Pawnee. Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut, and most of all, I'm gonna miss you, Leslie.
Leslie Knope: Aw, Andy, all of those things, including me, will still be with you in Washington.
Andy: That is a beautiful sentiment.
Quote from April
[Halloween, 2023:]
Dr. Saperstein: All right, Ms. Ludgate, we're getting close.
Andy: Babe, you look more beautiful right now than I have ever seen you.
Dr. Saperstein: Wow. Just your luck that you're going into labor on Halloween. Can I get a warm towel to get that makeup off?
April: No! I want it on! That's the whole point. I put the makeup on after I went into labor.
Dr. Saperstein: Whatever blows your skirt up. Okay, you ready to push?
April: Wait, no. Babe, my birth mix.
[Monster Mash plays]
Dr. Saperstein: Here comes a contraction. Are you ready?
April: Okay, I'm ready. Let's do this.
Quote from Ben
[Pawnee, 2019:]
Ben: Well, there are always gonna be risks when you open new restaurants, but you've done your homework. All the numbers line up. Side note: I would again strongly recommend adding calzones to the menu.
Tom: Ugh. The worst.