Tom Quote #31

Quote from Tom in Rock Show

Leslie Knope: [to camera] This is very exciting. We are at Saint Joseph's Medical Center because, today, Andy Dwyer is getting his casts off. It is a great day for Andy, and it's a wonderful day for my subcommittee.
Tom: Oh, my God. Your boobs are dead.
Leslie Knope: Stop it. No, they're not.
Tom: I'm calling it. The time of booth death, 9:18 a.m. We did everything we could, but they were just too small.


 ‘Rock Show’ Quotes

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: So do I need to know anything about this guy? What's his political pedigree?
Marlene Knope: His name is George Gernway. He's the city manager in Eagerton. He's divorced with two children.
Leslie Knope: Okay, good to know. Knowledge is power. Francis Bacon. Or Mary J. Blige.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: Is that meeting still happening, the one with the bigwigs?
Marlene Knope: As far as I know.
Leslie Knope: Would it be unusual to reschedule the meeting?
Marlene Knope: Well, you would come off as a little flaky. Unless that's the impression you're trying to make.
[aside to camera:]
Leslie Knope: Flaky is the worst thing a politician can be. Or corrupt. Or a rapist. There are a lot of pitfalls in politics. But those are the big three.

Quote from Tom

Wendy: How did Leslie meet her boyfriend?
Tom: Uh, she used to read him books at the senior center.
Beth: Wow. How old is he?
Tom: He's six, but he has Benjamin Button Disease.