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Quote from Leslie Knope in 2017

Leslie Knope: Get on the phone to Washington. Call in every favor that we have. Dave, put Missouri on the back burner. This is top priority. You all have 36 hours to find me $90 million. Go!
Ben: Whoa, $90 million?
Leslie Knope: Well, I only have $2 million in the discretionary fund and I've already used some of it to make Thomas Jefferson sexier in those Mount Rushmore promotions. Which, by the way, attendance has been up. That's not a coincidence.
Ben: Pawnee's rich and famous will all be here tonight. Maybe you start there.
Leslie Knope: That is a very smart idea. And that tuxedo makes you look like a sexy orchestra conductor. Here, wave this pen around.
Ben: Focus.

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