Leslie Knope: Hello. Hi. My name is Leslie Knope, and I work for the Parks and Recreation Department. Can I ask you a few questions? Would you say that you are, enjoying yourself and having fun, having a moderate amount of fun and somewhat enjoying yourself, or having no fun and no enjoyment? I'm gonna put a lot of fun.
Boy: Ms. Knope, there's a drunk stuck in the slide.
Leslie Knope: Sir, this is a children's slide. You're not allowed to sleep in here.
[aside to camera:]
Leslie Knope: You know, when I first tell people that I work in the government, they say, "Oh. The government. The government stinks. The lines are too long at the DMV." But now things have changed. People need our help. And it feels good to be needed.
Leslie Knope: Could you put your arms to your side? And that might help you slide down a little easier. Do you want to come this way? Okay, we're gonna need you to get out. Can you please go away? Get out of the slide. Okay? You're... Can you please go away? Here we go! Okay, wake up. Here we go. Out of the slide.
[aside to camera:]
Leslie Knope: You know, government isn't just a boys' club anymore. Women are everywhere. It's a great time to be a woman in politics. Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, me, Nancy Pelosi.
Leslie Knope: We did it! You know, I like to tell people, you know, "Get on board and buckle up, because my ride's gonna be a big one." And if you get motion sickness, you know, put your head between your knees 'cause Leslie Knope's stopping for no one.