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Quote from Ron Swanson in Soda Tax

Leslie Knope: I don't understand. Why did you try to get me fired?
Ron Swanson: The first year you worked here, you drove me nuts. I would say no to something you wanted to do, and you'd ignore me or go over my head and do it anyway. You were insubordinate, stubborn, a pain in my ass, and, worst of all, bubbly.
Leslie Knope: I was a dedicated public servant.
Ron Swanson: Right. That was the worst thing you were. The point is, I ended up withdrawing all four requests to have you fired, because, ultimately, I'd rather work with a person of conviction than a wishy-washy kiss-ass.
Leslie Knope: Well, I had conviction because I knew what I believed in, but I know with this new job. I-I just feel like I've lost my bearings.
Ron Swanson: No, you haven't. You may have wandered into unknown terrain, but you're still you. You know what?
Leslie Knope: Are you gonna pull out some embarrassing photo of me from high school?
Ron Swanson: Take this compass. All great adventurers need one.
Leslie Knope: Thank you, Ron. And, listen, as far as this firing stuff goes, I won't forget and I will never forgive you.
Ron Swanson: There she is.

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