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The Apartment

‘The Apartment’

Season 5, Episode 11 -  Aired March 15, 2016

Jess is looking forward to a fun night with Cece, who is about to leave her apartment and move into the loft, until she learns Cece hasn't started packing yet. Meanwhile, Winston's feelings for Aly prompt him to ask for a new partner.

Quote from Cece

Cece: Now, okay, look, that hat has a very important memory.
Man: Hey. I-I'm sorry I'm so bad at doggy-style.
Jess: Do you really want to remember Sir Miss-A-Lot?


Quote from Jess

Jess: I have to finish packing so I can work on the binder! You made me do this! I'm shutting this tiny door!
Cece: Jessica, open the door!
Jess: You're a terrible packer!
Cece: Jessica, open the door!
Jess: Your favorite team is the Green Bay... Not Packers.

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: Somebody call the G8 Summit because I just felt the climate change.
Nick: I don't get that.

Quote from Nick

Nick: I'm gonna go. He was average size, thin, wispy blond hair. Oddly shaped, kind of came to a point.
Winston: Uh, what does that mean?
Nick: Top heavy. A bit of a scar as if like from a hook or something.
Dunston: Gross. Ugh. Uh, anything else?
Nick: I think that about does it. You want me to describe what his face and body looked like?
Winston: Yeah, that'd be...
Schmidt: Wait. Have you been describing his penis this whole time?
Nick: All right, that's it. I'm done. I'm not even the one that called you guys. Man!
Dunston: And to be fair, I knew he was talking about a penis the whole time. [shows drawing] See?
Schmidt: That is way too real! Aggressively detailed.
Dunston: I had to guess on the testicles, 'cause he hadn't described 'em.

Quote from Winston

Winston: Okay, okay, count of three. Count of three. Who is the cuff guy?
Dunston: Alright.
Both: One, two, three, four. Five, six.
Winston: See? I knew you was going to... Okay, count down. All right;
Both: Three. Two, one, zero, negative one.
Winston: Damn it!

Quote from Jess

Cece: Okay, remember earlier when you told me to leap? You should leap.
Jess: I don't leap. I take small planned steps, like an arthritic dog.
Cece: Really?
Cece: The last listing is a loft downtown. Bad area. The ad just says it's "sunsoaked and beige-y."
Jess: I don't know. They seem like three nice girls.
Cece: And now I am marrying one of those girls and totally freaking out about it.

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: Do I want to know this story?
Cece: I hope so, because we're about to spend the rest of our lives together. So you're gonna have to hear all my stories.
Schmidt: I want to spend the rest of my life hearing all your stories. Until, of course, my hearing goes out and I get tinnitus. Do you know Dave Letterman has tinnitus?
Cece: Um... About-about what I said on the phone...
Schmidt: I'm a little freaked out, too.
Cece: You are?
Schmidt: Yes. And it has nothing to do with how much I love you.
Cece: Exactly.
Schmidt: Or how much I want to get married.
Cece: Exactly.
Schmidt: We'll be scared together. And we'll be really happy together, too. And we'll be really annoyed together, knowing that we're living with three other people and a cat. Also, I think there's another cat Winston's being very evasive about it, but... [Cece kisses him]
Cece: Mmm. It's a foster cat. I think it's helping him get over the whole Aly thing.

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: I nursed my pippy back to health here.
Cece: Yeah. I remember.

Quote from Nick

Nick: Maybe it's Cece's. Isn't she packing up her apartment?
Schmidt: It's not Cece's. She's packing right now, and Jess is going over there later to toast the place good-bye. 'Cause they're adorable.
Winston: Would you consider us adorable?
Nick: No, we're adult men. We're cute.

Quote from Jess

Winston: Jess, is it me, or has your job become a poo poo festival?
Jess: No, it's fine. It's just the new principal, Becky Cavatappi. She took over for Foster when he retired. I do all her work and she does all the working of her cleavage.
Jess: But the budget's your job, Becky.
Becky Cavatappi: Ah... Principal Cavatappi. Like I always say: don't call me Becky unless you're riding me like a horse.
Jess: [awkward chuckle] We work in a middle school. Really.
Jess: This is the budget, or the next week of my life. You know what they say... your life is just weeks and then you die.

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