Schmidt Quote #644
Quote from Schmidt in Clavado En Un Bar
Jess: Wait, guys, this is classic after 6:00 topics. Look, I... There has to be more to this than money. I really want to care about what I do. Don't you ever miss getting your hands dirty and selling?
Schmidt: I've moved up in the world. I'm not freezing and covered in sap. I'm making spreadsheets. It's like Old Man McCue used to say. The reward is in the destination. It's not in the journey.
Jess: Was he wise or was he senile? Because he's mixed up a lot of really well-known sayings.
New Girl Quotes
‘Clavado En Un Bar’ Quotes
Quote from Winston
Winston: And that's when I decided to stop playing the game of basketball. Jess, walk away the moment you stop loving it. I mean, that's what I did.
Jess: That's the thing, you didn't walk away.
Coach: You decided nothing. That story contains zero decisions.
Winston: Look, I decided to stop playing the game of basketball when my doctor told me I had to stop. Okay, okay, all right, I it was my decision to start to play the game of basket.
Jess: You were handed a basketball six seconds after you were born.
Winston: Damn, do I even like basketball? I mean, goodness, have I ever made any decisions my whole life? Are we all just living inside the mind of a giant?
Quote from Schmidt
Schmidt: Have you always been short? I've always been fat. But who cares how God made you? Don't let him put you in a skin box. At the end of the day, I'm just a fat guy standing here in front of a short guy telling him that I think we found his tree.
Schmidt: It wasn't long before I caught the attention of Old Man McCue, Christmas tree king of Syracuse, inventor of triple netting. However... In the words of the late, great Sir Billy Joel.
Jess: Billy Joel is definitely alive. And he's definitely not a knight.
Schmidt: "The good, they do die young."
Quote from Cece
Jess: Oh, my God. I honestly don't know what to do. I have so little time.
Cece: Hey.
Jess: Cece! Have you ever questioned your entire career?
Cece: Duh, I'm a 31 year old model. My last job was for a phone sex ad, and I was the one calling.