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Landing Gear

‘Landing Gear’

Season 5, Episode 22 -  Aired May 10, 2016

On Schmidt and Cece's big day, Nick can't find the groom. Meanwhile, Reagan arrives to take Nick up on his invitation to the wedding.

Quote from Schmidt

Nick: [answers phone] Schmidt, are you calling me from the sky?
Schmidt: This Chinatown bus doesn't have a sky-phone, or working landing gear, apparently. They said we're going to be stuck on the tarmac for hours.
Pregnant Woman: You're screaming in my ear.
Schmidt: That's motherhood, lady. Get used to it.


Quote from Schmidt

Cece: [on the phone] This is by far the most romantic thing that anyone has ever done for me.
Schmidt: I love you so much.
Cece: This is why I'm marrying you, because you do stuff like this.
Schmidt: This is the happiest day of my life.
Cece: It's also so dumb.
Schmidt: So dumb. Like, so dumb. Just the dumbest. I want to take all your clothes off and kiss every single part of your body. I want to do stuff that makes us feel ashamed about what we've done, but we won't have to...
Cece: Babe. Hey, babe. Babe.
Schmidt: I want to make love, fall asleep while we're making love...
Cece: Okay, you're on speaker. You're on speaker, so...
Schmidt: Dream of making love and wake up still making love.
Jess: Hey.
Nick: Hey, Schmidt.
Reagan: I'm also here.
Schmidt: Cece. Listen to me. I'm not going to miss this wedding. I'm going to get off this plane no matter what. You just need to buy me an hour.

Quote from Nick

Nick: How are you?
Reagan: I'm good. How are you?
Nick: Good, yeah. Great, look at this. What is that, a towel?
Reagan: I think it's a pashmina.
Nick: "Pashomina"?
Reagan: Pashmina.

Quote from Winston

May: Ernie, give him your jacket.
Coach: What?
Winston: Give me the damn jacket.
Coach: All right, here, dude.
Winston: [o.s.] I jabbed my giblets in the breast pocket.
Coach: Tie it around your waist.
Winston: Then that leaves the front porch open or the back. I don't think this is gonna work. I'll just sit here cold and naked while my best friend gets married. Look, you were right, Coach. I'm not a serious man. I'm a nude, apple bottom, long-fronted dumb-ass. Ooh, look. At least you can change the background. Look. Now I'm in the Oval Office. That's crazy.
Coach: Winston, you're a groomsman and a bridesman. It doesn't get more serious than that. You can't miss this wedding.

Quote from Reagan

Reagan: So, I mean, I feel like I really put myself out there, right? I got on a plane, and I flew across the country to see him. I couldn't get him out of my head, you know?
Jess: Yeah. [chuckles] Yeah.
Reagan: And then he says the word "relationship," and I freaked out, because... [chuckles] You know what, I don't know. Am I crazy to want a relationship with Nick? I mean, you guys were together. What happened?
Jess: We were kind of a mess. I wanted him to have a plan for his life and not keep his money in a box in his closet. And... he wanted me to not care about those things.
Reagan: That's not so bad. I mean, who really has a plan for their life?
Jess: [chuckles] Who does that? [chuckles] Me. Me. I d... I did it. I do it.
Reagan: I'm sure there are plenty of guys out there who keep a very traditional banking account.
Jess: Yeah. There are. And I just dated one of 'em. And I... I don't think any of that stuff matters.
Reagan: Thank you. You are awesome.
Jess: Thanks.
Reagan: I'm gonna go do this.

Quote from Winston

Schmidt: So nice of your mom to get us this trip. Much better than my dad's gift of weed gummy bears. [laughs]
Schmidt: Aah! What the hell is happening?!
Cece: What?! What is happening?!
Schmidt: No! No!
Winston: Ha-ha! Happy honeymoon!
Schmidt: Winston!
Cece: How long has he been in there?
Schmidt: It's gonna ruin the whole freaking vacation!
Winston: Honeymoon prank! What are you all drinking?

Quote from Nick

Nick: I'm sorry, I just can't believe you came.
Reagan: I did.
Nick: Things I'm feeling: excited. Number two: scared. I mean, are we gonna do this? You and me? Take it home. Take it to the mat.
Reagan: I don't know what that means.
Nick: You know, like, the big "R."
Reagan: Oh, a relationship?
Nick: No. [laughs] No, no. See when I say, The big "R," I'm, of course, talking about, uh, rasslin'.
Reagan: Yeah, I think that's a "W," "W-R."
Nick: Do you ever feel, deep down, that you know at some point you're gonna have a stroke and it's gonna be really bad?

Quote from Winston

Nick: Schmidt? Schmidt.
Winston: Nah, it's me. Easier to clean myself off this way. Aly told me she loved me last night. Then she yakked on my pants, and then I yakked on my pants. I picked the wrong day to start cuffing my pants. [laughing] Yeah, she ain't going to make it to the wedding.

Quote from Nick

Nick: Have you seen Schmidt? This is very important.
Winston: What? The best man has lost the groom, or something?
Nick: In what world would that happen in? In what world? In what world would that happen in?

Quote from Jess

Jess: It's one thing for Sam to dump me on your wedding day, but then to be like, "You have feelings for Nick." Yeah, nice diagnosis, Dr. Dick.
Cece: Is he that off-base?
Jess: Yes. Now, we're not devoting any more of your wedding day to this subject.

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