Quote from Nick in Landline
Winston: Nick, my man, looking good. Schmidt: New set of PJs? Nick: I know what you're doing. You're blowing hot air up in between my butt cheeks. And I'm no idiot. I know I was let go 'cause of the dang old machine. Story as old as time. A new piece of technology comes around, and all the peasants freak out. But one prince knows what's going on, and he says: "Don't trust the technology!" And all you peasants trust it, and then the machine becomes self-aware and destroys you all. And then, I become the loneliest prince of all, laughing in my golden tower. Schmidt: Isn't that a movie? Nick: Maybe I stole that from War Games, yeah. Schmidt: Short Circuit. Nick: No, it isn't. Winston: Man, you know what's a good movie? Splash. Cece: I don't know what is happening.