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Quote from Schmidt in Quick Hardening Caulk

Schmidt: I just realized something. It was never about a fish. It was a metaphor. It was about Cece. Don't feel bad about not seeing it. Look, man, it was subtle as hell. Oh, my God, is that a lionfish? Where'd that come from?
Winston: The... The lion... the lionfish? You. That came from you. When the paramedics came, you... you had it in your hand. They were like, "Whoa, you can't get one of these." And I was like, "He caught it in a..." You did it.
Schmidt: Hello, fish Cece. Gonna put you back in the sea.
Winston: I'm sorry, what?
Schmidt: Look, Winston, I don't know if it was the jellyfish's venom or the paramedic's urine, but it made me realize...she's not mine to keep. She belongs out there. In the great, wide open ocean. [walks to the toilet]
Winston: Uh, Schmidt, that don't go to the ocean.
Schmidt: What are you, the city planner?

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