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Quote from Nick in Injured

Jess: You want me to get real and stop being all cutesy and whatever, fine. Let's get real. You don't do anything. What did you want to do? I mean, isn't there something you wanted to accomplish?
Nick: Hey, I've done things. I wrote half a book about zombies.
Jess: Okay, just tell me. If you could do anything, what would you do?
Nick: You know, I'm the guy who... I can't just jump into something if I don't know what's gonna happen. I never have been that guy. Like, I'm the, I'm the guy that, if I don't know what's gonna happen, I don't do something. Ever. I don't care how bad I want to do it. I don't do it. Like, if everybody would go into the ocean and jumped in the water, well, I'm the guy on the beach guarding the wallets.

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