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Quote from Schmidt in Jess and Julia

[later, Schmidt walks through the living room with a small towel around his waist]
Schmidt: Okay, I left my towel in my room. Nobody look. Nobody look, yo.
Sadie: [scoffs] We don't want to.
Schmidt: Nobody look. Seriously, no... no one's looking? All right, forget it. [trips] Aah! Damn it.
Sadie: See, he's a natural blond.
Cece: What shape is that supposed to be shaved into?
Jess: Think he's trying to force perspective.
Schmidt: [chuckles] Very funny. I got to get something off my chest.
Cece: No, Schmidt, there is an apron right over there ... go cover yourself.
Jess: You are Jewish.
Sadie: You're making me gayer.

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