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Quote from Winston in Hubbedy Bubby

Winston: Look, man... you got to understand something about the long "D". At first, it's very hard. Okay? It's a lot to take. But the long "D" in the end is... [chuckling] very much worth it.
Nick: You have to see what you're doing here.
Winston: Right now you're having problems. I'm not. You know why?
Nick: 'Cause you love the long "D".
Winston: I've adjusted to the long "D".
Nick: Okay.
Winston: Sometimes it's rough. Yeah, can be bumpy road sometimes, man.
Nick: The long "D" can be bumpy.
Winston: Ooh!
Nick: Sometimes there's unexpected curves.
Winston: Don't I know it.
Nick: But once it breaks you down a little bit, you learn to like the long "D". You're gonna say something like that?
Winston: You get used to it is what I'm saying.
Nick: I think I'm done with this.

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