Adrian Monk Quote #910
Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk Stays in Bed
Adrian Monk: It's not straight.
Natalie: Ha! The bubble's right in the middle.
Adrian Monk: The level's broken.
Natalie: The level is not broken, Mr. Monk. It can't be broken. It's a bubble on a stick. You have two levels?
Adrian Monk: I use this level to check the other levels. It's my level-checking level.
Julie Teeger: How do you know that one's not broken?
Adrian Monk: That's a good question. I take my level-checking level to the hardware store twice a year to have it recalibrated.
Monk Quotes
‘Mr. Monk Stays in Bed’ Quotes
Quote from Lieutenant Disher
Lieutenant Disher: Did you hear anything? I mean, anybody yelling or screaming for help?
Natalie: Yeah, me. Does it ever get to you? Seeing people dead?
Lieutenant Disher: Yeah, it did for a while. But I got used to it.
Natalie: That must be awful. Getting used to it.
Lieutenant Disher: You know, it was pretty awful. But I got used to it. It's the worst part, you know. Getting used to it. Something you never really get used to.
Quote from Adrian Monk
Adrian Monk: Could you turn this? Thank you. Well, that's good.
Captain Stottlemeyer: What is this thing?
Adrian Monk: It's a humidifier.
Captain Stottlemeyer: What's that one?
Adrian Monk: It's a dehumidifier.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Well, don't they cancel each other out?
Adrian Monk: Exactly.
Quote from Natalie
Reggie Dennison: The pizza box with my prints on it. What was it in? A carton, a bag, or what?
Natalie: My boss recycled it. He separates everything into piles exactly 20 inches high. Then he puts each pile into a green, double-ply trash bag, which he double-tapes shut. Then he puts that bag into another bag, which he wraps with twine four times counterclockwise and ties each end twice. Once he's completed that...
Reggie Dennison: Are you screwing with me?
Natalie: No, I swear. He's very persnickety.