Adrian Monk Quote #2771
Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk and the Captain's Wife
Dr. Kroger: Well, it's still a tough case. How do you feel?
Adrian Monk: I'm torn. Half of me is worried about Karen, and 40% is worried about Captain Stottlemeyer, and 5% is relieved that somebody finally understands what I've been going through.
Dr. Kroger: You know that's not 100%?
Adrian Monk: I know. I always keep part of me empty for... for emergencies.
‘Mr. Monk and the Captain's Wife’ Quotes
Quote from Sharona
Sharona: Scabs go home! Scabs!
Adrian Monk: All right.
Sharona: Scabs. Union! Union! Scabs go home! Union! [dog barks]
Adrian Monk: What are you doing?
Sharona: Well, I'm a union girl.
Adrian Monk: Since when?
Sharona: Since I started working for you. Scabs go home! I should start my own shop.
Adrian Monk: Do it. I'll join you.
Sharona: You're not allowed. You're management.
Adrian Monk: Oh, yeah? Good. Get rid of the dog.
Quote from Lieutenant Disher
Adrian Monk: Bare feet? Why would a sniper go barefoot?
Sharona: Especially at 6:00 in the morning. It's been freezing.
Lieutenant Disher: Maybe he was an American Indian? An American Indian sniper? Maybe it was an uprising against technology.
Adrian Monk: That doesn't make a lot of sense. Hardly any, really.
Lieutenant Disher: Oh, Native American.
Adrian Monk: That doesn't help.
Quote from Adrian Monk
Adrian Monk: Hold on. Where's- Where's Tully?
Garbage Man #1: On vacation.
Adrian Monk: He never said anything to me about a vacation.
Garbage Man #1: Why would he tell you?
Adrian Monk: We have a relationship. He's been collecting my garbage for years.
Garbage Man #1: Mister, relax, okay? We know what we're doing. You know, we taught Tully the garbage game, okay?
Adrian Monk: Okay. Yeah, but wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You- You have to start from this end. Tully always starts from this end. Didn't Tully mention me?
Garbage Man #1: Believe me, I would have remembered. What's in here?
Adrian Monk: Water.
Garbage Man #1: You're throwing away water?
Captain Stottlemeyer: [whispers] Don't ask.