‘Mr. Monk and the Paperboy’
Season 2, Episode 10 - Aired January 16, 2004
When Monk's paperboy is murdered, he is convinced there's a story somebody doesn't want him to read.
Quote from Adrian Monk
Dr. Kroger: Well, maybe what they're doing makes you think about Trudy, makes you miss Trudy. It's something we've never talked about, Adrian. Your physical relationship with your late wife.
Adrian Monk: I consider that a personal question.
Dr. Kroger: Yes, it is. That's what I do. I- I assume you and Trudy were intimate.
Adrian Monk: We held hands a lot. All the time. Once we woke up holding hands. We'd been holding hands the whole night.
Dr. Kroger: That's sweet. I like that. That's nice. But, Adrian, is there anything else besides the holding hands?
Adrian Monk: Ah, I think we're out of time.
Dr. Kroger: No. Plenty of time.
Adrian Monk: Are those pillows new?
Dr. Kroger: No.
Adrian Monk: They look... new.
Dr. Kroger: Adrian, I'm your doctor. I think this is important. Now, we've got 20 minutes left. We... We could sit here, we could sing show tunes to each other, or we can talk about your sex life. It's your call.
Adrian Monk: [sings] If ever I would leave you It wouldn't be in summer Seeing you in summer I never would go ... [singing continues] No, no, not in springtime Summer, winter or fall No, never would I leave you At all ... [checks watch, continues singing] If ever I would leave you It wouldn't be in summer
Quote from Kevin Dorfman
Lieutenant Disher: Where do you live, Kevin?
Kevin Dorfman: I live upstairs.
Lieutenant Disher: Did you hear or see anything early this morning, say around 5:30?
Kevin Dorfman: No, sir, I did not. I was, you know, with someone.
Lieutenant Disher: Your girlfriend?
Kevin Dorfman: I guess so. Holy Toledo, I have a girlfriend.
Lieutenant Disher: Well, we're gonna need to question her too. How long have you lived upstairs?
Kevin Dorfman: Seven months. Before that, let's see, I lived at 12 Grant Street. Before that, 17 Minton Street with my sister until she moved to Baltimore because she had to take a new job.
Lieutenant Disher: Great. Thank you.
Kevin Dorfman: Before that, I lived at 34 Warren Place for two years. Before that, I lived at 8 Todd Road and 45 Radcliffe Street, consecutively. My first place, though, on 26 Armory Lane, that was a studio. But what I did was... You might want to write this down on a separate page for yourself. I put the bed up on a loft to create some space.
Quote from Adrian Monk
Captain Stottlemeyer: The cousin can't identify the guy. Did you hear anything?
Adrian Monk: What time was that?
Captain Stottlemeyer: 5:30.
Adrian Monk: Oh, no. I wouldn't have heard a thing.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Sleeping?
Adrian Monk: No. I was vacuuming.
Quote from Kevin Dorfman
Kevin Dorfman: Hello? Uh, excuse me. Did something happen?
Lieutenant Disher: There's been a homicide.
Kevin Dorfman: A homicide? You mean a murder? Holy Toledo. Here?
Lieutenant Disher: Right out front, early this morning. Somebody killed the paperboy.
Kevin Dorfman: Holy Toledo.
Lieutenant Disher: And you are?
Kevin Dorfman: I'm Kevin Dorfman. "D" for dolly. "O" as in orange. "R" as in Robert.
Lieutenant Disher: Dorfman. Yeah, I got it.
Quote from Adrian Monk
Sharona: You think the killer's in there?
Adrian Monk: I'd bet your paycheck on it.
Sharona: I don't understand. Why was he stealing your paper?
Adrian Monk: Because he didn't want me to see these two articles. He knew I was the only one who could possibly see the connection between them.
Sharona: You're feeling pretty good about yourself, huh?
Adrian Monk: I'm allowed, once a decade.
Quote from Adrian Monk
Adrian Monk: Okay, comics. Maybe there's something hidden in here. Oh, Marmaduke. I love Marmaduke. He's this... He's a dog but he's enormous. Y-You can't believe how big this dog is.
Sharona: W-We know who Marmaduke is.
Adrian Monk: Yeah, look. He ate the whole turkey right off the table. "I guess we can forget about leftovers." [chuckles]
Quote from Lieutenant Disher
Sharona: Ooh. The personals. Can you move your hand?
Lieutenant Disher: I already looked through that section. Nothing in it.
Sharona: [moves Disher's hand] "Man with a badge in hot pursuit of romance. I'm 32, fit, sexy, ambitious, with a dynamite sense of humor." Oh, my God. That's you!
Captain Stottlemeyer: Dynamite sense of humor? Since when?
Lieutenant Disher: Could I have that please?
Sharona: No. "Looking for a petite blonde, no nonsense attitude, kids okay." That's me.
Lieutenant Disher: Don't flatter yourself.
Quote from Adrian Monk
Sharona: Adrian, Adrian. Give it to me.
Adrian Monk: Ugh. Can I go home now?
Sharona: You are home.
Adrian Monk: Oh, yeah.
Sharona: Just relax. It's fine.
Detective: Oh, excuse me. Where's the bathroom?
Adrian Monk: I, uh I don't have one.
Detective: You don't have a bathroom?
Adrian Monk: Don't get me started. I am still so angry at that architect.
Quote from Adrian Monk
Adrian Monk: He's not the guy.
Captain Stottlemeyer: What? Monk, we got him dead to rights.
Adrian Monk: He is guilty of the hit-and-run, but he didn't kill the paperboy. He didn't know who I was. There is something else in this newspaper, something I'm missing. [notices the ink stains all over his hands] Ugh! Oh, my God! Oh, the humanity!
Sharona: [wiping Monk's hands] Yeah, you're stronger than me.
Quote from Kevin Dorfman
Sharona: [to Vicki] Oh, you work at the Stop-N-Go on Ridgedale, right?
Kevin Dorfman: That's how we met. That's how we met. Vicki's been serving me my doughnut and super-sized latte every morning for the past five months. Well, when we first met, I wasn't super-sizing. No. But then last July, I had to pull a couple of all-nighters because I was working on that new inventory diagnostic software. I told you about that job. You remember?
Sharona: Yes, you did. Mm-hmm.
Kevin Dorfman: But wait... It wasn't July, it was August.