Dr. Charles Kroger Quotes   Page 2 of 4    

Quote from Mr. Monk Gets a New Shrink

Dr. Kroger: Adrian. Adrian, I can't invite you in.
Adrian Monk: It's just... I'm thirsty. I'm parched, really.
Dr. Kroger: Adrian, you can't come in. It's really inappropriate.
Adrian Monk: Isn't it?
Dr. Kroger: Adrian, you've got to let go.
Adrian Monk: It's not easy. I've been seeing you for almost nine years.
Dr. Kroger: No, I mean, you've got to let go of the door.
Adrian Monk: Oh. Yeah.
Dr. Kroger: Adrian, I promise you, I will find you another doctor as soon as I can. That's good. That's good. Two Two two more fingers. Go on, good. Go, go, go. Come on, that's very good. Great. [door closes]


Quote from Mr. Monk and the Employee of the Month

Adrian Monk: You stole a granola bar. You took a bite and you put it in your pocket.
Dr. Kroger: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Adrian, that- That really hurts me.
Adrian Monk: It hurts me, too.
Dr. Kroger: I am not a thief. I had that bar with me when I went into the store. I- I carry them in my pocket all the time just to keep up my energy.
Adrian Monk: Uh-huh. Yeah. So there's, um there's one in your pocket right now?
Dr. Kroger: Yes, Adrian, there is one in my pocket right now, and I hope I do not have to take it out to prove it to you.
Adrian Monk: I- I...
Dr. Kroger: You know, Adrian, I see this all the time. I work with cops, I work with ex-cops. You... You see terrible things. People lie to you. After a while, you don't believe anything.
Adrian Monk: I- I- I- I- I...
Dr. Kroger: Adrian, you're going to have to make the leap. You're going to have to trust. Otherwise, you're going to be completely alone, and I hope that that doesn't happen to you.
Adrian Monk: You're right. I'm sorry.
Dr. Kroger: All right. Okay, let's, um talk about the case.
Adrian Monk: A woman was killed in the store. Officially, it's been called an accident.
Dr. Kroger: You're working in the store.
Adrian Monk: Yes. It's going pretty well. Mr. Donovan, the shift manager, said he might move me up to register one.
Dr. Kroger: [starts eating granola bar] Mm-hmm.
Adrian Monk: Oh. [chuckles] Thank God. [Dr. Kroger chuckles] Of course I- I knew it. I knew it all along.
Dr. Kroger: Of course you did. Yeah.

Quote from Mr. Monk and the Astronaut

Dr. Kroger: You're never going to be completely free of fear. You can't expect that. But real courage is being afraid of something and doing it anyway.
Adrian Monk: Nah.
Dr. Kroger: [off Monk's look] What?
Adrian Monk: Steve Wagner said the exact same thing.
Dr. Kroger: Really? [smiles] The astronaut.
Adrian Monk: Doctor, he killed his girlfriend.
Dr. Kroger: Which I do not condone. It's indefensible, of course.

Quote from Mr. Monk and the Buried Treasure

Dr. Kroger: [phone buzzes] I'm sorry. Um, your mother? Any meals in particular that you might, uh-
Adrian Monk: You want to take that call?
Dr. Kroger: No, no. It's just Troy, my son. It's a message from his school. He didn't show up again.
Adrian Monk: Maybe he's sick.
Dr. Kroger: No, he's not sick. He's probably in some parking lot listening to trash metal music and skateboarding with his friends. You know, the truth is I'm at a loss here. I have been a therapist for 22 years. I- I don't know what to do with him.
Adrian Monk: Would you like me to talk to the boy?
Dr. Kroger: No. No, thank you.

Quote from Mr. Monk Paints His Masterpiece

Dr. Kroger: Adrian, we only have an hour.
Adrian Monk: Ssh. Don't move. It's almost done.
Dr. Kroger: You know, while we have a moment, my assistant said that you did not bring a check today.
Adrian Monk: This should take care of it. That ought to cover us till June.
Dr. Kroger: Yes, well, thank you for this. I- I hope you're not insulted, but I think I'd rather have the check.

Quote from Mr. Monk and Mrs. Monk

Adrian Monk: What do you think?
Dr. Kroger: What do you think?
Adrian Monk: Every time I say, "what do you think?", You say, "what do you think?".
Dr. Kroger: Well, what do you think?
Adrian Monk: I'm almost afraid to say it. I think I might be getting better.
Dr. Kroger: Adrian, reading the poem, the reaction you had to it, it's what we call a threshold event. [getting emotional] It's a big first step. First steps are the hardest.
Adrian Monk: Are you okay?
Dr. Kroger: Yeah, yeah, just, um it's been, like, such a long time that I've been waiting. [Monk hands him a tissue] Oh, thank you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm crying. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. This doesn't make you uncomfortable?
Adrian Monk: Yes, it does. But what doesn't?

Quote from Mr. Monk and the Really, Really Dead Guy

Dr. Kroger: You know, Adrian, I think that this is your way of keeping your mind clear. So that you can focus on what's really important. Adrian, let's not forget you've put a lot of very dangerous people behind bars without the use of a computer. Your mind is amazing. No, no, really. You make connections and leaps intuitively. No machine could ever do that. You know, maybe a computer would just slow you down.
Adrian Monk: Maybe you're right.

Quote from Mr. Monk Gets Fired

Adrian Monk: I have a job interview tomorrow.
Dr. Kroger: Really?
Adrian Monk: That's, that's wonderful. It's Sharona's idea. It's at a magazine. They're looking for a fact checker.
Dr. Kroger: Perfect. You excited?
Adrian Monk: I'm scared to death. It's my first job interview in 20 years.
Dr. Kroger: [chuckles] You're going to be fine. You just have to be your... [stops talking]
Adrian Monk: Myself?

Quote from Mr. Monk and the Actor

Dr. Kroger: Adrian, I just don't now what to say. I'm speechless, and I'm very very proud of you.
Adrian Monk: No big deal.
Dr. Kroger: No, no, no. I'm very, very proud of you. And it is a big deal.
Adrian Monk: It's just one weekend. I'll be gone for two nights.
Dr. Kroger: Two nights alone in a hotel?
Adrian Monk: I might even leave my room.
Dr. Kroger: Yes.
Adrian Monk: Would you like to come along? I'll treat.
Dr. Kroger: No. No, I mean it's your vacation.
Adrian Monk: My treat.
Dr. Kroger: But it's your breakthrough. And I think it's the first time since you lost Trudy that you're actually looking forward to something.
Adrian Monk: I am. I'm looking forward.
Dr. Kroger: You know, there is a term for this, Adrian. It's called affirmative reflex. And it's a very, very big step.

Quote from Mr. Monk Can't See a Thing

Dr. Kroger: [leaving voice mail] Adrian, it's Dr. Kroger again. Now, I know you're there, so please pick up. Adrian, you missed your 10:30, and your 3:30. Adrian, you can't stay in your house forever.
Adrian Monk: Wanna bet?
Dr. Kroger: I know you, Adrian. You're probably lying on your bed feeling sorry for yourself. You can't just give up. There are people out there who really need you. Come on, Adrian. [chuckles] You have to get up. Get out of bed. Come on, you can do it. Here we go. That's right. Come on. Come on. Up and at 'em. Okay, go on. Come on, come...

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