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Quote from Harold Krenshaw in Mr. Monk Goes to Group Therapy

Dr. Bell: Okay, now, you see, now, now, we all have problems.
Adrian Monk: You're just jealous. You've been jealous of me since the first day we met, which, by the way, I like to refer to as Black Tuesday.
Harold Krenshaw: Why would I be jealous of you?
Adrian Monk: Okay.
Harold Krenshaw: I made $210,000 last year. How much did you make?
Adrian Monk: $2 million.
Harold Krenshaw: Liar! He's lying. Admit it, Adrian. My success is killing you. It's eating you up.
Adrian Monk: What success?
Harold Krenshaw: I'm on the city council. People voted for me.
Adrian Monk: Because they don't know you! Did anybody here vote for this clown?
Rhonda: Not me.
Adrian Monk: Dr. Bell, you're in his district. Did you vote for him?
Dr. Bell: You not supposed to ask that question.
Adrian Monk: That's a no. See, Neven didn't vote for you, Harold. Suck on that.
Harold Krenshaw: I'm gonna rezone your whole neighborhood. I can do that!
Adrian Monk: Why don't you rezone your...
Harold Krenshaw: I'm gonna put a Kentucky Fried Chicken on your roof!
Dr. Bell: Stop it! Stop it, please!
Harold Krenshaw: I know where your roof is!

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