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Quote from Harold Krenshaw in Mr. Monk Goes to Group Therapy

Dr. Bell: And of course, you know Harold.
Harold Krenshaw: Hello, Adrian. I just want you to know, for the record, I'm glad you're here. And I don't feel threatened in the slightest. I know we haven't always seen eye to eye, but I hope we can put our differences aside and work with Neven together as a team. After all, it takes a village.
Adrian Monk: You call him Neven?
Harold Krenshaw: Mmm-hmm.
Dr. Bell: Well, things are a little less formal in group therapy.
Harold Krenshaw: [offers hand] Oh, you still can't shake hands. I see we have our work cut out for us.
Adrian Monk: I can shake hands. [shakes Harold's hand, then gets a wipe out]
Harold Krenshaw: Oh, I used to use a wipe too. Remember? I was so germophobic. I'd always have a wipe in my pocket, like this, and I'd wipe my hands, like this, and then I'd fold it up into a little square and put it in my other pocket, like this. [does so] I was pathetic.

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