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Quote from Ambrose Monk in Mr. Monk Goes Home Again

Ambrose Monk: Okay. Are you and Natalie...
Adrian Monk: What?
Ambrose Monk: Involved?
Adrian Monk: What? No. No. No. No. Why, why would you even ask me that?
Ambrose Monk: Well, it's been eight years since Trudy.
Adrian Monk: Exactly! It's only been eight years.
Ambrose Monk: You're a widower. She's a widow. And I know how you are with the ladies. I remember, in high school, those girls calling you on the phone, talking to you on the phone, complimenting you, huh?
Adrian Monk: Ambrose. Ambrose, those were my teachers.
Ambrose Monk: So? What about Mrs. Flagan? Yeah?

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