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Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk and the Daredevil

Natalie: Okay, so we're just going to take this really slow. Mr. Monk? Okay, now, you're afraid of a lot of things.
Adrian Monk: 312.
Natalie: Right, 312. But all we want to do today is beat one of them. Wouldn't that be great if we just crossed one of those right off your list?
Julie Teeger: Okay, here are four things that you're scared of, but don't worry, you don't have to do all of them. You can just pick one. You can drink the milk, or you could play the harmonica, put the ladybug on your finger, or you can climb the ladder.
Adrian Monk: That's a big ladder.
Julie Teeger: It's only four feet.

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