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Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk Takes the Stand

Adrian Monk: Here's what happened. You were in the middle of a very messy, very expensive divorce, and you wanted to get rid of your wife.
Evan Gildea: That is absurd. Do I have to listen to this?
Captain Stottlemeyer: Yes, you do.
Adrian Monk: What you needed was an alibi. First, you ordered a two-ton slab of marble. Then you went to work, but you weren't sculpting just another statue. You were sculpting an alibi, a perfect alibi. You had it all worked out, down to the last details-
Harrison Powell: Hold it! Hold it! Don't say another word.
Lieutenant Disher: Excuse me, sir, this is a private conversation.
Harrison Powell: Yeah, this conversation's over, unless you want to talk to me, but I cannot promise that I would listen, detective.
Captain Stottlemeyer: And you are?
Harrison Powell: I'm Harrison Powell. I'm Mr. Gildea's Attorney. I just moved up from Los Angeles. And you must be Mr. Adrian Monk. I saw your profile on In Focus. Very impressive.
Adrian Monk: Thank you. I was just explaining to-
Harrison Powell: Why don't you tell it to the judge? We're denying everything categorically. Have a nice day. Come on. Let's go. You look like a man who could use a drink. Evan, let's go. They can't keep you here. It's okay.
Evan Gildea: Harrison, it's too late. They know everything. They have all this evidence against me.
Harrison Powell: No, they have no evidence against you. They have nothing, okay? You're an innocent man that's been unjustly accused. And I'm gonna prove all that when we get to court.
Evan Gildea: Harrison, it's Adrian Monk. He's never lost a case in his life.
Harrison Powell: Well, neither have I. This'll be great.

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