Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk Is At Your Service
Captain Stottlemeyer: As a butler? Lieutenant Disher: A house manager. They prefer house manager. Captain Stottlemeyer: Why? Adrian Monk: I'm good at it. Captain Stottlemeyer: No, you're good at this. You're good at being a cop. Adrian Monk: Really? The department doesn't seem to think so. Captain Stottlemeyer: Oh, I get it. Those sons of bitches and the hiring freeze. Look, Monk, I told you I am working on that, okay? Just give me a little more time. Adrian Monk: It's too late, Captain. I've moved on. It's a new dawn. Lieutenant Disher: What about Natalie? Adrian Monk: I'm hoping that Natalie will remain in my employ. There is a position opening up in the kitchen. Speaking of kitchens, I really must get back. I have a duck in the oven that's not going to braise itself. And the master is very particular about that sort of thing. [exits]