Season 5, Episode 16 - Aired March 5, 2014
Cameron is looking forward to the school's big spring dance, until a popular teacher returns from a sabbatical. Phil is hoping to impress Haley when she accompanies him to a realtor's banquet. Mitchell starts a new job and can't seem to get a good handle on his new boss's personality. Meanwhile, Jay and Gloria think Lily is lying to them about Joe's involvement in an accident involving Gloria's phone.
Quote from Lily
Mitchell: [v.o.] We all want people to think the best of us
Cameron: So sometimes we cover things up to protect ourselves
Jay: But we don't have to be afraid
Gloria: Because the truth is always a good thing.
Mitchell: The truth sets us free
Cameron: Brings us closer.
[cut to:]
Cameron: So, do you want to tell us how Joe's shoes ended up on the wrong feet?
Lily: I guess the little guy knows how to put on his own shoes.
Quote from Phil
Phil: [aside to camera] Tonight is the SCARB. Southern California Annual Realtors' Banquet. It is the banquet for southern California realtors. Literally, it's the only one.
Claire: And this guy is the only two-time host-
Phil: Three-time.
Claire: Three-time host in the history of the event. Unfortunately, I have to miss it this year.
Phil: It's for the best. She's invisible at these things. It's tough being married to the rock star.
Quote from Mitchell
Mitchell: Oh, my gosh. That's you and Michelle Obama.
Wendy: That's my aunt.
Mitchell: I am so sorry. I don't know why I thought that-
Wendy: Calm down, white guilt. It's Michelle Obama.
Mitchell: Oh, good, yeah.
Quote from Mitchell
Mitchell: Yeah, you've accomplished a lot in 15 years.
Wendy: Professionally, yeah. I haven't had a date in six months. Some sundays, I drive out to visit my frozen eggs. But, on the plus side, I have gotten really close with my mom.
Mitchell: Oh, look at that. I see the resemblance.
Wendy: That's Maya Angelou.
Mitchell: Damn it.
Wendy: It's signed, Mitch.
Mitchell: Yeah. I see that.
Quote from Gloria
Jay: I do love it in leather.
Gloria: Well, learn to love it in silk. It's too hot outside to be wearing leather.
Jay: I'm talking about this car. Oh, by the way, I do the negotiating at the dealership today.
Gloria: Why?
Jay: Honey, I'm a businessman. When it comes to people, I know how to get what I want out of them.
Gloria: This watch, the man sold it to me for half of what he was asking. These, a third. These, for free. So, who's better at working people, Mr. Businessman? Fine.
Jay: We have different approaches, but we're both pretty good.
Quote from Jay
Jay: Hey, buddy. You look like you want to get up and walk. Late bloomer -- fine. Who cares if the other kids call you "Slo-Joe"? And they do, you know.
Quote from Alex
Drew: And my dad has three tattoos. Like, "Why? You're a dad."
Alex: Ew! It's so sad when parents try. My mom double-pierced one of her ears, and I'm like, "Hello! You're 50." It's so old, like, ancient to have an ear piercing.
Quote from Claire
Claire: [aside to camera] "Ironic"? My ass. Alex likes Drew. She's just playing it safe. Now, there are the pushy, obnoxious moms who try and get involved, nudge them towards one another. We mean well.
Quote from Cameron
Angela: Fancy shirt, coach Tucker.
Cameron: Oh, thank you. You know what I like to say. I might be coach, but I travel first class.
Quote from Cameron
Cameron: [aside to camera] Senor Kaplan, legendary Spanish teacher. You know, my heart went out to him a little because he left as everyone's favorite, and I'm sure word got out about, you know... me. I just didn't want him to feel displaced.