Cameron Quote #1339
Quote from Cameron in The Last Christmas
Dylan: Oh, my God. You're dying?
Cameron: [voice breaking] No, I'm not dying. It's something else. [long pause]
Luke: Is he pausing to be dramatic?
Mitchell: What do you think?
Modern Family Quotes
‘The Last Christmas’ Quotes
Quote from Haley
Mitchell: Do you really think that Cam's parents bought him a first-class ticket?
Haley: Aren't they poor? Don't they, like, eat plants and animals they find in their yard?
Mitchell: They're farmers, yes.
Quote from Haley
Haley: We gotta dig deeper. Get Cam's phone. Check his texts.
Mitchell: That's an invasion of his privacy. Plus, I don't even know his passcode.
Haley: Well, I just need his face. I break into Dylan's phone all the time while he's sleeping. Not that I need to. All he does is Google water parks.
Quote from Cameron
Cameron: Oh, and help yourself to a gingerbread person. They're both gluten and gender free.
Mitchell: Oh. Isn't they a cutie?