Alex Quote #215

Quote from Alex in Connection Lost

Claire: [on FaceTime] Can you just do me a favor and call your sister?
Alex: [snickers] If she's screening, I'm not making the cut. Why don't you just snoop on her Facebook page with your fake profile?
Claire: I don't have a fake profile.
Alex: Mom, save it. Brody Kendall just logged in. That trick might have worked on Haley, but I know that's a picture of Chachi.


 ‘Connection Lost’ Quotes

Quote from Phil

Phil: [answering FaceTime] What's the best first-person shooter about genetically-modified space marines? Halo!

Quote from Claire

Claire: [on FaceTime] I can't believe she's pregnant.
Phil: Let's not jump to any conclusions.
Claire: Jump? Let's review. She's been moody, eating weird food, getting nauseous. She left in the middle of the night for a wedding chapel in Vegas with her secret love and most suspicious of all she bought a book!

Quote from Haley

Haley: Married! Why would I get married?
Phil: Because you're pregnant with Andy's baby!
Haley: What? Why would you think that?
Claire: [on FaceTime] Oh. Because you changed your Facebook status to "married." Then we tracked your cell phone to a wedding chapel in Vegas.
Phil: And you ordered this book.
Haley: Wow. First of all, it's called privacy. Google it.