Phil Quote #1595
Quote from Phil in CHiPs and Salsa
Claire: I let you win.
Phil: You what?
Claire: Oh, I had you beat, easily. I didn't even break a sweat. As a matter of fact, I almost pulled a muscle holding back. But, I saw how much it meant to you, and I let you win.
Phil: Oh, wow, yeah. No, that makes a lot of sense. I get it. Like the way all the other horses wanted Secretariat to feel good.
Claire: Now you're Secretariat?
Phil: I don't know. Was Secretariat married to a crazy person?
Modern Family Quotes
‘CHiPs and Salsa’ Quotes
Quote from Luke
Dr. Perry: Well, Luke, I read your essay. Took a lot of guts to admit you weren't ready for college a year ago.
Luke: I had a lot of growing up to do. So, I got a job, I paid my bills, and I read the Wall Street Journal online until I used up my five free articles.
Quote from Mitchell
Mitchell: The release form for this ride-along is is shockingly thorough.
Officer Stablitzky: I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. can't bury another ride-along. 'm kind of the precinct cut up.
Mitchell: Okay.
Cameron: Mitchell, it'll be fine. They do these things all the time.
Mitchell: Yeah, easy for you to say. My entire head is a gang color.
Quote from Cameron
Cameron: Okay, this is so exciting. You know, in my alternate life, I'm a I'm a cop.
Mitchell: I-I thought that your alternate life was you teaching at-risk youth to street dance.
Cameron: No, I teach them to believe in themselves through street dance.