Phil Quote #1378
Phil: Hey, buddy, they canceled my showing, so I can drive you to work. That looks good. What is it?
Luke: Lobster Thermidor from the country club. There's also cherries jubilee in the fridge.
Phil: Mmm. Look at us eating like rich people in the '50s.
Modern Family Quotes
‘Grab It’ Quotes
Quote from Luke
Luke: [aside to camera] Grandpa got me a job at his country club, and I've been cleaning up in tips. I also like the way those guys talk. There's actually an ethnic slur for Norwegians. It's ice [bleep]ers.
Quote from Manny
Manny: Who am I kidding? I can't fall asleep. Every car alarm, every whistle of the wind sounds like people laughing at me.
Gloria: It's all in your imagination.
Joe: [laughing]
Manny: [groans] I just want to Netflix and Mom.
Quote from Jay
Jay: [aside to camera] I don't know what I was worried about. All I had to do was let Phil be Phil. He'd never get past the vote. Fortunately, clueless boobs are one group the Supreme Court can't force us to let in.