Phil Quote #1264
Quote from Phil in Spread Your Wings
Luke: Dad, what are you doing?
Phil: It is time for them to go.
Claire: But, honey, are you sure they can even fly?
Phil: According to the Internet, they were ready a month ago.
Haley: At breakfast, you were giving them shoulder rubs. What happened?
Phil: I realized today that I may have been holding them back because that was fun for me. But in the end, you got to let them spread their wings, right?
Modern Family Quotes
‘Spread Your Wings’ Quotes
Quote from Phil
Phil: [knocks] What's the most dangerous type of uranium cake? Yellow!
Quote from Phil
Phil: [aside to camera] Big day. I'm going to see Alex. I'm, uh I'm a little nervous because she's been pulling away lately. Calls don't get returned. I don't get asked to visit as much. Maybe it's hitting me hard 'cause I never went through that with my dad. After my junior year, we- We rode a tandem bike across Mykonos. Come to think of it, there were lots of fathers and sons there.
Quote from Jay
Lily: This is boring. Let's go and build a fort in my room. [Lily and friends run off to her bedroom]
Jay: So, what? You're just gonna give up?
Mitchell: You got to know when to surrender.
Jay: No, sir. I'm not losing to the Vietnamese twice in a lifetime. Get up. No man left behind.