Cameron Quote #891
Quote from Cameron in Spread Your Wings
Cameron: Okay. Granddaddy's truck's gonna be here in 84 minutes. So, we're tightening, we're stirring, we're chopping.
Gloria: Bottle it up!
Cameron: I can't. I'm just too excited. Oh, oh, you mean the sauce in the- Got it.
Modern Family Quotes
‘Spread Your Wings’ Quotes
Quote from Phil
Phil: [knocks] What's the most dangerous type of uranium cake? Yellow!
Quote from Phil
Phil: [aside to camera] Big day. I'm going to see Alex. I'm, uh I'm a little nervous because she's been pulling away lately. Calls don't get returned. I don't get asked to visit as much. Maybe it's hitting me hard 'cause I never went through that with my dad. After my junior year, we- We rode a tandem bike across Mykonos. Come to think of it, there were lots of fathers and sons there.
Quote from Jay
Lily: This is boring. Let's go and build a fort in my room. [Lily and friends run off to her bedroom]
Jay: So, what? You're just gonna give up?
Mitchell: You got to know when to surrender.
Jay: No, sir. I'm not losing to the Vietnamese twice in a lifetime. Get up. No man left behind.