Phil Quote #949
Jay: I really want this win, Phil. I can taste it, like metal.
Phil: Me, too. Metal.
Jay: I don't know what it is with this guy, but no matter what I do, I just can't win with him.
Phil: That's the way I am with his son. And Time Warner cable. It's emasculating, you know?
Jay: I mean, it's not a feeling a man should have.
Phil: Jay, you know what the beginning of "love" is?
Jay: Oh, for God's sake, we're just talking here. Why do you always have to make everything bigger than it is?!
Features in the collection: Phil Dunphy's Greetings.
Modern Family Quotes
‘Phil Dunphy's Greetings’
Quote from Phil in Spread Your Wings
Phil: [knocks] What's the most dangerous type of uranium cake? Yellow!
Quote from Phil in Connection Lost
Phil: [answering FaceTime] What's the best first-person shooter about genetically-modified space marines? Halo!
‘The Feud’ Quotes
Quote from Gloria
Gloria: [aside to camera] What happened to him? He didn't used to be that self-conscious before High School. He used to go around in his poncho, play the pan flute. Ay, I miss my little old Manny.
Quote from Alex
Claire: Do you girls have to move that now?
Haley: Well, I've been lonely. Having a mirror in my room will be like having company!
Alex: Ugh, your daughter's a parakeet.
Quote from Phil
Phil: I can't believe it. I'm a one-termer? That puts me alongside Henry Eustace Tyler and Art Wagner!
Gil Thorpe: Never met Art Wagner.
Phil: They took away his realtor's license after Gategate.