Jay Quote #688
Jay: [aside to camera] I hate crowded elevators. Only one thing worse, when they stop and you get trapped. Actually, there's one thing even worse than that. Getting trapped with him. I don't even know the guy's name. He belongs to my club. But for whatever reason, he has the knack for showing up when I'm at my absolute worst.
Modern Family Quotes
‘The Feud’ Quotes
Quote from Gloria
Gloria: [aside to camera] What happened to him? He didn't used to be that self-conscious before High School. He used to go around in his poncho, play the pan flute. Ay, I miss my little old Manny.
Quote from Alex
Claire: Do you girls have to move that now?
Haley: Well, I've been lonely. Having a mirror in my room will be like having company!
Alex: Ugh, your daughter's a parakeet.
Quote from Phil
Phil: I can't believe it. I'm a one-termer? That puts me alongside Henry Eustace Tyler and Art Wagner!
Gil Thorpe: Never met Art Wagner.
Phil: They took away his realtor's license after Gategate.