Cameron Quote #516

Quote from Cameron in New Year's Eve

Cameron: Excuse me, young man. I was here first.
Mitchell: Young man? Why don't you just call him whipper-snapper?
Cameron: Ugh. This is ridiculous. We can't even get a drink. Everyone in here's 11, and I'm hot! If we were hot, we'd be drinking right now.
Mitchell: If we were hot, we'd be drinking right now.


 ‘New Year's Eve’ Quotes

Quote from Gloria

Billy Dee Williams: Oh, what's the matter with everybody? It's early yet.
Jay: Yeah, I'm having fun for the first time since I got here.
Gloria: Jay?
Jay: How long has she been there?
Gloria: What are you doing here?
Jay: Gloria. Everybody ditched me, these guys invited me to play poker, and look who I'm sitting next to.
Gloria: Eh...
Billy Dee Williams: Oh, she has no idea. Hello, I'm Billy Dee Williams.
Gloria: Hello. I'm Gloria, dee wife.

Quote from Gloria

Gloria: They were for the New Year's.
Jay: Oh, right. What's that goofy thing again?
Gloria: It's not goofy. It's a tradition. At midnight, you eat 12 grapes, you make 12 wishes, one for each month of the year.
Jay: And you really think that works?
Gloria: Five years ago, I was a single mother living in a slum. Today, I'm driving to Palm Springs in my new car with my rich husband. You do what you want. I'm eating the grapes.

Quote from Gloria

Gloria: Oh, my God. A classic Rolls Corniche. I have been in love with this car my whole life. In my village, if you didn't drive one of these, you couldn't call yourself a drug lord.
Billy Dee Williams: Would you like to drive it?
Gloria: Does the bear sit in the woods?
Jay: Classic Charo.