Luke Quote #65
Quote from Luke in Slow Down Your Neighbors
Luke: What are you gonna do when he drives by?
Claire: I'm gonna tell him to slow down.
Luke: I think you should drag him out of his car and we all get turns punching him in the stomach until he barfs.
Claire: Honey, I think I'm just gonna turn over his license plate to the police.
Luke: Please. Order a pizza and call the cops. We'll see who gets here first.
Modern Family Quotes
‘Slow Down Your Neighbors’ Quotes
Quote from Phil
Phil: [aside to camera] I wish I were one of those people who thrives on the danger of leading a double life. You know, Bruce Wayne, Peter Parker, Hannah Montana.
Quote from Gloria
Gloria: My mother thought that riding a bike was dangerous. She would say, "That's how people grab you."
Quote from Phil
Phil: [aside to camera] Bring it, Laura. You wanna test me? I've been tested my whole life. They could never find anything.