Mitchell Quote #817

Quote from Mitchell in No Small Feet

Mitchell: I just I think he deserves a second chance.
Cameron: Why do you suddenly care so much if Pam and Bo are back together?
Mitchell: I'm a divorce lawyer, Cam. I see families torn apart all the time. The emotional cost is just too high.
[aside to camera:]
Mitchell: The cost of everything is too high! Look, Pam made her bed. Now she needs to get out of it so I can flip the mattress to make some money off of it. Sounded more pimpy than I intended.


 ‘No Small Feet’ Quotes

Quote from Luke

Alex: Explain yourself.
Luke: I'm taking photos of your feet for perverts.
Alex: Ew!
Luke: Hear me out. Remember when you couldn't return those sneakers you bought and asked me to sell them online? Right after I listed them, I got a message asking if they'd been worn and sweat in. Before I could lie and say no, I got another message. "Can I see your feet?" Apparently, there are a ton of these feet freaks on the Internet.

Quote from Gloria

Phil: Oh, this is Gloria. She'll be addressing your concerns.
Mrs. Graham: Nice to meet you. I instantly trust you. Why is that? Oh, I got it. We were once cats together. I joke! I'm not that crazy. [Phil laughs nervously] Now, tell me about the ghost.
Gloria: Well, in these suburban cases, it's usually a low-level haunting, like a dead unpaid gardener, a dead jealous boyfriend, a dead dog who left something unfetched.

Quote from Phil

Phil: [aside to camera] Personally, I don't believe in any of that evil-spirit mumbo jumbo. As a magician, I've learned that every spooky happening has a perfectly reasonable explanation. Even the eeriest of illusions, Satan's Elevator, is really just two mirrors and a tiny... Nice try.