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Season 7, Episode 10 -  Aired January 6, 2016

Claire and Phil have dinner plans with a wealthy couple they met on vacation, but Claire is annoyed that they never seem to pick up the bill. Gloria organizes a play date for Joe with a boy in his class, but she is particularly interested in her and Jay bonding with Wesley's parents. Jay is offended by the suggestion he's in the same age group as Wesley's eighty-something father. Meanwhile, Haley, Alex and Luke struggle to put together a fun day for Mitchell when he redeems his birthday coupon.

Quote from Mitchell

Barbra Streisand: [over intercom] What's up, Ray?
Ray Liotta: Barbra, I have some of your mail from when you used to live over at Cedarhurst. And I have a friend here that would like-
Barbra Streisand: Just leave the mail by the gate. I'll send someone down.
Ray Liotta: O-okay, but-
Barbra Streisand: Oy. There's more?
Mitchell: Uh, Ms. Streisand, hi. My- My name is Mitchell Pritchett, and I have been a fan of yours since I can't even remember, and- Oh, your artistry and integrity has inspired me my whole life, and I just- Aaaah! I can't even believe I'm talking to you right now.
Barbra Streisand: Please. I'm just a regular person, like you. I have people put on my pants one leg at a time.
Mitchell: [laughs] That's so funny.
Ray Liotta: Barbra, today is his birthday!
Mitchell: Well, technically, it was three weeks ago.
Ray Liotta: All right, you're blowing it.


Quote from Jay

Marty: Oh, shoot. It's past 3:00.
Jay: What's wrong? You late for dinner?
Gloria: Jay.

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