Pam Tucker Quotes   Page 2 of 4    

Quote from Frank's Wedding

Pam: The family didn't want me to get back together with Beau on account of he's six-parts Chicopee and married, but I did it anyway, and now he's in County for punching a police horse in the face. And if they find out, then they'll just know that everyone was right about me being such a screw-up.
Mitchell: Oh, Pam, I-I had no idea.
Pam: I mean, how many months along are you?
Pam: Oh, all of them. All of them. Yeah, go ahead. Condemn me. I can see the judgment all over that generic face of yours. This strap is cutting into me like a piano wire.


Quote from Frank's Wedding

Cameron: Well, I have good news. Mitchell and I are early contenders to win the best costume in the human/animal category. What are you doing?
Pam: Self-comforting with food.
Cameron: I've been working on that all morning, and it is for a party tonight.
Pam: What are a bunch of gays gonna do with a cake but stand around screeching about how pretty it is?

Quote from A Moving Day

Cal: Momma!
Pam: [gasps] There's my little chicken nugget! Ooh, my goodness! I missed you so much. How have you been?
Cal: They read to me every night.
Pam: Aw, don't worry, baby. That's all over now.

Quote from Frank's Wedding

Mitchell: [aside to camera] It's taken me a long time, but I've finally learned that when it comes to Cam's sister, anything I say can and will be used against me.
Cameron: Do you think maybe we should, you know, have the bartender cut Pam off?
Mitchell: Oh, God, you know what? She is getting a little bit messy.
Cameron: Uh, Pam, Mitchell thinks you're kind of making a fool out of yourself.
Pam: Go to hell, Mitchell! You go straight to hell! Whoo!

Quote from He Said, She Shed

Pam: You don't remember that time Daddy didn't live with us for a year 'cause he was shacked up with that diner waitress Jannie Sue Butler?
Cameron: Oh, [scoffs] please. The only time Daddy ever left was to go to war.
Pam: It was 1977. What war, Cam?
Cameron: The V- Hmm?
Pam: He left us 'cause he turned 40, he got his first liver spot, and that bimbo reminded him of the Bionic Woman. Mostly on account of her fake arm.

Quote from Farm Strong

Pam: Well, the damn airline lost my trunk. Now I'm gonna have to make new clothes.
Cameron: Oh, no.
Pam: Yep. I need to squeeze something. Get over here, Lily.
Lily: I'm good.
Mitchell: Yeah, well, she's shy.

Quote from Farm Strong

Mitchell: So, Pam, we've got some big news.
Pam: Speaking of big news, you remember that little ugly girl I used to babysit, Britney Horner?
Cameron: Yeah.
Pam: Well, she got married last summer, and now she's pregnant with twins. So, if you're keeping track, that's ugly - 2, me - nothing. What's your news?
Mitchell: Um, well...
Cameron: We're getting a new dryer.
Pam: Oh. Well, I'm very happy for y'all.
Mitchell: Thank you.
Pam: How come I never get a new dryer?

Quote from Express Yourself

Pam: It's the least I could do, since you'uns opened your home to me for I don't know how many weeks now.
Mitchell: [whispers] Three.
Pam: I just don't get it. How could he leave me?
Cameron: I know.
Pam: I'm pretty. There's nothing I won't let him do in the b-e-d.
Mitchell: [covering Lily's ears] Hey, sweetheart, you're such a big eater, aren't ya, huh?

Quote from Express Yourself

Pam: Alls I'm saying is, if you're lucky enough to get this boy Ryan you like, you hold on with both hands. 'Cause once he's gone, you're nothing.
Cameron: Okay, you don't really mean that.
Pam: I don't know what I mean. I'm just a woman running her fool mouth off.
Cameron: Okay, not exactly the message of empowerment we'd like to impart to our 21st-century daughter.
Lily: What's a Demerol shooter?

Quote from Express Yourself

Cameron: Pameron Jessica Tucker, where do you think you're going?
Pam: Home. To get down on my knees and beg Bo to come back. I'm just gonna lie and tell him I'm pregnant.

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