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Quote from Mitchell in Spring-A-Ding-Fling

Wendy: You weren't wrong about everything. I mean, look, I do joke about it, but you're right. I'm alone. And that is not the first time that someone has called me cold. Okay, those eggs those eggs came out of me frozen. And I'm impossibly tall. And even if I could find somebody to love me, they- They wouldn't be able to reach.
Mitchell: No. Hey, hey. Come on. You're- You're an amazing woman. She's an amazing woman. And you- You're a-a role model. You're a hero.
Wendy: I'm a 6-foot hero.
Mitchell: No. Come on. You're surrounded by people who love you. Here's Dan and Rex. Me. Come here. All the way up to Samuel L. Jackson there. That's your mother in a Kangol hat, isn't it?
Wendy: Yeah.

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