Quote from Cameron in Snip
Mitchell: No, I'm not going anywhere! And I should be able to talk to you about these things. Cameron: Oh, what things? How empty my life is? You know, you have no idea what I do around this house every day. I shop for food, I pay the bills, I maintain the house, I grocery shop. Mitchell: Same as shopping for food. Cameron: And still I have enough time to work on my master project. And you never ask me what my master project is. Mitchell: Because you told me not to ask! Cameron: Fine, since you won't let it go. Does this look like the work of an unfulfilled slacker? Mitchell: A mermaid costume? Cameron: Hand-sewn from my own design. Have you ever stitched lycra? It's like sewing water, Mitchell. Mitchell: It looks a little small for Lily. Cameron: It's not for Lily. It's for the cat. It's a mermaid costume for the cat. [sobbing] My master project is a mermaid costume for a cat!