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Season 4, Episode 1 - Aired November 3, 2002

When the family spend the day at the zoo, Hal is jealous about Lois's ex-boyfriend, a miserable Malcolm is forced to accompany Dewey, and Reese gets into a feud with a goat. Meanwhile, Francis and Piama stumble into a job opportunity when their car breaks down.

Quote from Francis

Lois: [on the phone] No, Francis, everything turned out fine. We agreed not to sue them, and they agreed not to throw Reese in jail. Enough about that. Tell me about your new job.
Francis: Oh, it's great. I've learned so much already. Say, while you were at the zoo, you didn't happen to see any animals giving birth, did you?
Lois: No. Why?
Francis: Just curious. Never mind. [groans] Almost there, sweetie. Just one more push. [cow groans]

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