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Malcolm vs. Reese

‘Malcolm vs. Reese’

Season 2, Episode 21 - Aired April 22, 2001

Francis makes Malcolm and Reese compete for a ticket to see a wrestling match. Meanwhile, Dewey looks after Craig's cat while he attends a convention.

Quote from Dewey

Craig: [v.o.] [Dewey's imagination] A half-cup of wet food in one bowl and a half-cup of dry in another. He likes the juice from the wet half poured onto the dry. Jellybean also likes you better than your brothers. Everyone likes you better than your brothers. Someday, you're going to be president of Idaho and anyone taller than you will be fed to wolves.
Dewey: Time for your eardrops, Jellybean.


Quote from Dewey

[Hal is dumbstruck as he looks at Craig's looted, vandalized apartment]
Dewey: Dad! Jellybean's bowl is empty! He was here! You're the smartest man in the world! Yes!

Quote from Hal

Hal: Dewey, wait till you see who I found... What happened to your face?
Dewey: What happened to your pants?
Hal: Never mind that. Look who I have.
Dewey: Mrs. Johnson's cat?
Hal: Yes... Mrs. Johnson's cat, yes! Go, scoot.

Quote from Lois

Lois: You're telling me none of these cats is Jellybean? What's wrong with you?!
Hal: Come on, Lois, this is a very complicated situation. Don't blame Dewey.
Lois: I am not blaming Dewey.

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