Quote from Reese in Reese Joins the Army: Part 1
Sgt. Hendrix: Good morning, maggots! Now, I want you to understand why I call you maggots. The maggot is the slimy, quivering larval form of the common housefly, and we all know what maggots eat. [Hendrix passes Reese, who is the only private not in his fatigues and is busy playing a game] And I will be the guy providing... Good God. I bet there's a great story for this, isn't there, son? Reese: Hang on. Sgt. Hendrix: Of course. Reese: Okay. Sgt. Hendrix: Would you like to tell me what happened to your gear, Private? Reese: Oh, I traded it. I got this and five cartridges. Sgt. Hendrix: So, you just blithely gave away your government-issued rucksack and poncho? Reese: Well, the pack, I figure, I can eventually get off a dead guy, and the poncho? Come on. Does it look like rain to you? [cut to Reese doing push-ups in the mud as Hendrix holds a garden hose over him:] Reese: [sings] My drill sergeant helps me learn I am just a lowly worm He commands the sun and rain I am just a human stain My drill...