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Quote from Craig in Kicked Out

Craig: You kicked him out of the house?
Hal: Oh, please. He kicked himself out of the house, Craig. Look, I've been through this before with Reese and Francis. It never lasts long. When Reese was kicked out, he spent the night on the roof until he got into a fight with a pack of cats.
Craig: So that makes it okay that Malcolm spent the night sleeping on a booze-soaked mattress in some dark alley?
Hal: Craig.
Craig: Oh, my God! He's probably dead by now!
Hal: Malcolm can take care of himself.
Craig: You're right, you're right. He's a genius, which would make him even more attractive to rogue elements in our secret weapons programs. How long before some government scientist picks him up and tries to surgically attach him to some animal?

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