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Quote from Reese in Clip Show

Reese: Who cares if they don't believe me about the car? I've gotten this far in my life without anyone giving me any credit. So why should I expect any different now?
Malcolm: Yeah, a guy who leaves thumbtacks on the toilet seat is so misunderstood.
Dr. Kennedy: Please remember the ground rules.
Reese: You're the one who taught me my name in French was "latrine"!
Dr. Kennedy: Don't interrupt.
Malcolm: You're the one who sold my bike for $3 to Billy Watson the day he moved to Canada!
Dr. Kennedy: We don't-
Reese: I'm the one who spit in Dewey's cereal this morning. I mean-
Dewey: I drank that milk I licked the bowl! I hate you!
Reese: Oh, shut up, pit-stain!

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